These are for all the Wrestling Mom's |

Happy Valentine's Day! |

A Mothers Love by isis
A Mothers love Surpasses no other Her love is unconditional No rewards asked~
Mothers love Lives on In the hearts of men, women and children There is no end~
A Mothers love Gives without
taking Listens without accusing Accepts without recriminations~
A Mothers love A Mothers wisdom A Mothers
knowledge All of this she leaves in Gods hands~
Advice For Moms New to Wrestling
- Don't laugh the first time you see your son in a singlet.
- Don't make plans from November 1st through March 1st. You'll either be at a match, at a tournament,
driving someone somewhere, washing smelly, sweat-soaked clothes, nagging your kid to eat, or selling something.
- Yes, it does cost $100 for shoes that never leave the gym.
- You will save on grocery bills during the wrestling season, but the day season ends have the fridge and pantry stocked.
Your child (who counted fluid ounces for months) will eat non-stop for about 72 hours, until his cheekbones disappear again.
- Don't bother the coaches during a match (they're a little high strung). When they come to you after the match, it's not
to talk about your wrestler, they just need aspirin or Rolaids.
- Be prepared... tournaments run from sunup to sundown. Don't expect to see the light of day. Bring a cushion to sit on,
a book to read, and some snacks. (You might want to hide the snacks... a few wrestlers can devour a package of cookies in
- Don't ask me why a fungus is called a worm, but stock up on Tinactin, and make sure your child realizes that jumping in
the pool does not count as a shower.
- Diaper pins have become obsolete. (If you are approaching menopause, expect very strange looks when you ask for them).
- When you are out in public with your son, whose face is covered with bruises, don't bother trying to explain to strangers
that you didn't put them there.
- I'm not sure who is in charge of weigh-ins, but your child will always have to wrestle someone who is a foot taller and
about 10-15 lbs. heavier (and growls). It's a fact.
- If your son is in a headlock, his face is turning purple and he is mouthing the words "I can't breathe", don't run out
on the mat... the referee will notice eventually.
- Sit with other moms... it helps to join hands when a mom wants to run out on the mat for an injury... or to attack an
- There are a lot of ways wrestlers get points, but even after 10 years I still don't understand how a wrestler gets called
for stalling when he is losing.
- As a mother, you will never understand how our gentle, sweet child could possibly love to wrestle... to be stretched and
twisted in ways nature never intended... but he does. So be happy when he wins, supportive when he loses, and always have
the camcorder batteries charged!
- -Unknown

Special Thanks to for letting us post this article |
Question Of The Week
Q: It has come to my attention that there is a wrestling coach teaching "making weight"
strategies to 5th grade students. I cannot understand why they cannot compete in their own weight class but he is encouraging
them to lose weight in a matter of a couple days. These are healthy young boys who are not in the least bit overweight. I
am worried about these boys, though my own children are girls and are not affected. I want to make a difference, but am not
sure how. The coach has been approached concerning this matter yet, some of these 10-year-old boys are still not eating their
lunch and sometimes crying because they are hungry. They will not go against the coach. Can you help me with information concerning
this matter?
Read What Dr. Doreen Greenberg has to say: Read What Dr. Keith Wilson Has to say:
Wrestling With The Devil
By Dr. Doreen Greenberg
Psychologically and socially, one of the major tasks of childhood is identity formation.
A child's self-concept changes on the basis of his/her experiences. The development of self-worth includes a sense of academic,
social and athletic competence. The physical self is part of every child's identity. If a child is made to feel that he/she
must do something unhealthy and potentially self-destructive in order to be a competent athlete - what is the life lesson
that he/she is learning?
Nearly everyone agrees that youth sports can be a valuable asset in helping to create a
positive identity. Through sports participation, youngsters can learn to be good winners and good losers. They can develop
self-pride and self-confidence. They can come to understand the importance of a healthy, strong body. It can be a wonderful
place for character building. But what type of "character" are we talking about here?
This situation is what we refer to as a "toxic" one. It is dangerous, both physically and
psychologically. Toxic coaches are those who emphasize winning over fun. They substitute insults for instruction. And they
promote harmful training strategies to the young athletes who look up to them. This is abuse.
Coaches can have a very powerful influence over their young athletes. For some kids, the
sports team becomes a second family. There are some young athletes who will do anything to please the coach, even if it means
deceptive, aggressive or unhealthy behaviors. Often, this can lead young athletes to burnout, serious injuries, emotional
damage, eating disorders and dishonesty.
You have every right to evaluate a coach's behavior and hold him/her up to the highest moral
and ethical standards. You have every right to make certain that the youth sports' environment is promoting the value of health
and fitness.
Every young athlete participating in sport has a "Bill Of Rights". Among those rights are:
The right to qualified leadership
The right to play as a child
The right to a safe & healthy environment
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Doreen Greenberg, Ph.D. Sport psychology consultant specializing in issues facing young athletes. For Additional
... on Being a True Champion
Amidst an everchanging society, there are some things that are unchanging. I, for one, like consistency in life. And nothing
is more constant than the attributes needed to truly succeed in any lifetime endeavor--whether it be schoolwork, athletic
competition, raising a family, or making a living. As wrestlers aspiring to become champions of the mats, you would be wise
to consider the following message for developing into true champions, not just winners.
- T raining--Give your "all" and finish what you start.
- R esponsibility--Accept the consequences (good or bad) of your actions.
- U ndauntedness--Let nothing stop you from reaching your "goals".
- E xcuses--Allow no place in your life for making excuses.
- C ompassion--Care for the feelings of others.
- H umility--Accept success with graciousness.
- A ttitude--Think "positive" thoughts, especially when times are tough.
- M aturity--Don't permit negative "emotions" to control your life.
- P ride--Accept failure with dignity.
- I ntegrity--Be honest with others and yourself.
- O bedience--Learn to follow if you plan to lead.
- N uture--Feed your talents, knowing that you can never stop learning.
Of course, the above behaviors are very
hard ones to follow, but I guess that is why there are very few "true champions" in this world.
... on Parents' Love for their Wrestlers
Wrestlers! If you haven't realized it yet, don't ever forget the plight of your parents. Young gentlemen, I'm afraid
that during this time in your lives, you have no idea of what your parents go through because of their love for you. I know
what I am talking about because I never thought about it, myself, until I stopped competing and had time to mature and think
back to those days.
For example, I can now remember the time my father fell off the bleachers--due to his gyrating movements to help my brother
when he was wrestling. Mom, on the other hand, often had to leave the gym when we wrestled because it was too hard on her
nerves to watch us. And get this, my dad did not even come to witness my state championship match in 1963, not because he
didn't love or support me with all his heart--but because he couldn't take the pressure any longer. (He instructed Mom to
call him right after the match.)
If you still don't understand what I am talking about, I can assure you that your parents know what I am getting at--because
many of them have experienced similar feelings. Like my parents, they, too, have often demonstrated the same mannerisms while
you wrestled. There's no doubt about it; this is not only one of the toughest individual athletic events for the participant,
but also for his parents. As a matter of fact, there are some people I know who have been involved in wrestling themselves,
but would rather not have their own kids wrestle. You see, they don't want to be exposed to the kinds of stress to which I
am referring. Well, true wrestling parents are quite special. They are willing to accept the sacrifices their sons have to
make. These parents know how the mat sport teaches individual responsibility -- a trait that will follow their boys throughout
the rest of their lives.
So, young men of the mats, listen to what I am saying. And take a moment to thank God for the wonderful parents with whom
you have been blessed. Oh, and especially take the time to sincerely thank your mom and dad for their dedication to you and
your athletic endeavors. They truly are your best friends in life.

Welcome to our January 2003 Matrix Newsletter.
In this issue we have some excellent articles that deal with issues that are arising in youth wrestling today. One
shows you a different opinion on youth weightlifting, that disagrees with last month's articles. We will try
to have an article on this subject each month. We also have an article for Wrestling Parents. Want your wrestler to succeed,
read the "Ladder of Success" article, Enjoy!
Actions Speak Louder Than Words?
By Pamela Caywood
Our society is fast paced. We are all rushing from one place to the next. Honking our horn at slow driverspeople who may
be singing songs in the car with their children or pointing out some interesting sights. We dont have time for that silliness
today. But we try to convince ourselves that we will make time for "fun" tomorrow. Our children say, "Mommy watch me!" over
and over again just to get our attention. It is time to take a few deep breaths and think about our actions and our words.
Do they portray the attitude that we want to convey?
Have you ever really thought about the phrase Actions speak louder than words? Think about it now. I have
and dont agree with it 100%. If you say one thing and act in an opposite way, will the words be ignored and just the actions
remembered? I dont think so. It is important to have your words match your actions. It is also equally important to use words
to show appreciation, love, approval and happiness and then follow those words with a hug, pat on the back or smile. There
is the impact. The action reinforces the words.
The pen is mightier than the sword.
What about that phrasetrue? Yes sir! Words carry a lot of weight and will be remembered for years to come especially when
they are written down. The words are permanent. Mean words can hurt for that moment and for a lifetime. I am sure that each
of us remembers a time when a sibling, a teacher, a friend or even a grandparent made an unkind comment. Those words did lasting
damage to you, the relationship or both. Lets not be a member of that club. When was the last time that you hid a "love" note
in a lunch box or in your spouses coat pocket? If you want to see a bight smile, that will do it! The power of this written
note will be savored for many dayseven years.
Do what I say, not what I do.
How effective is that? NOT!! We are role models in everything. It is really hard for a child to believe that its not OK
to do something that you do. Take smoking. Most children who smoke at a young age know a parent or close friend who smokes.
Isnt it strange that a parent who swears a lot usually has a child who swears a lot too? "I dont know who taught her those
words?" Parents are powerful beings and it is important to value that power and pass on positive role modeling through actions
and words.
I can live for two months on a good compliment Mark Twain
Children thrive when they feel appreciated and understood. Dont be afraid to shower your child with encouraging words all
day long. A perfect way to turn a bad day around is to compliment your child. "I noticed that your hair looked very nice today."
"Did you hang your coat up all by yourself?" It is amazing how those few words can change a childs outlookalmost immediately.
Dont stop theregive your spouse words of appreciation too. While you are spreading words of joy, call your parents, a sibling,
and a friend? One of my siblings ended a phone conversation with 3 wordsI love you! Boy, did that put a spring in my step.
Mark Twain is right, it has been a month and I still feel the positive effect of those 3 little, but very powerful words.
They do not love that do not show their love Shakespeare
When was the last time you showed you spouse love? Hopefully, 5 minutes ago. Feeling loved is the best feeling in the world.
Being that this is the month of LOVE, go all out and plan to start doing acts of "love" for the week proceeding Valentines
day. This week of "love" will set a great tone for the month. You should ask each family member what you could do to make
him feel "loved." Then as a group, pick an idea for each day. It could be to make brownies, take a family walk, have a 5 minute
family hug (ok, 2 minute), give each other back massagesyou get the idea. Hopefully, your acts of love week will catch on
and you can have love weeks every month!
Do you know the legend of Saint Valentine? The Roman Emperor, Claudius II, arrested Valentine for secretly marrying people
whom Claudius II forbid to wed. On February 14, 270 ad, Valentine was killed. He sent his last letter on that day to the woman
he loved and it was signed, "from your valentine". Legend has it that is how the notion of Valentine cards was started. So
make sure that your Valentine cards have a special and lasting message. You never know who might read them!! Take time to
make thoughtful, lasting "love" messages this year. Dont make it a last minute effortput some thought into each one. Your
children will watch you and will want to do the same. It is amazing to watch a childs creative spirit when it catches on fire.
So start the fire, fan the flames!
Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time, for that is the stuff life is made of.-Benjamin Franklin
Boy, was he a smart man! Lets maximize our words of appreciation and our acts of kindness. I have heard that after you
do something 26 times it becomes a habit. So, lets work on saying and doing it kindly this month and then by next month you
will just do it naturally everyday. What a happy world it will be.
We are what we repeatedly do Aristotle
Pamela Caywood February, 1999
Pamela Caywood is the proud mother of a Grace and her new son Will.
I am often asked by parents what I think
drives a champion, what can prevent someone from becoming a champion, and/or what makes a champion what he or she is? Since
everyone is different, this is a very difficult question to answer. However, over the years I've had the unique opportunity
to observe a number of great wrestlers from when they were little to when they completed their competitive careers and went
on to coaching or their professional life. While most of the best wrestlers were successful as kids, some didn't really start
to develop until they reached high school age. Based on what I've noted among those who failed or succeeded starting when
they entered the 9th grade, here are some of my thoughts and observations. I call this my "Champions Ladder to Success".
Assuming the basic wrestling skills are known entering high school, substance abuse and distractions (including peer influences)
seem to be the biggest hindrances to success. The wrestler must make a choice as to how far he or she wants to go. If wrestling
isn't your primary sport, then don't do more than wrestle during the season, stay away from substance abuse, and have fun.
By the time you are a senior you should have some level of success. I constantly talk to parents of high school seniors who
come to me at the beginning of the season and say "We really want to win this year", or "We really want to get a wrestling
scholarship so what can we do"? All I can say to them is "it's a little late but we'll do the best we can."
If you're in high school and wrestling is to be your sport, then hold to an off-season workout and competitive schedule,
even if you need to work. I've seen so many good high school wrestlers get a car, work every night and weekends to pay for
it, party every weekend, and not make the grade when it comes to college wrestling. Also, drugs and alcohol might be big in
some party circles, but it's the fastest way to end a successful career that there is.
If you get lucky and make the grade to wrestle in college, you face another whole set of new circumstances. In college
the distractions such as parties and substance abuse are even more prevalent, plus you have the added pressure of trying to
keep your grades up while staying ahead of the competition. College wrestlers represent the best of the best. They are all
good, and each is motivated at some level to succeed. If you don't have the motivation to push yourself, or if you can't walk
the narrow path of least distractions, you will likely flunk out long before you fail as a wrestler. Even if you can handle
the college academic pressure, you have to go that "one more yard" if you plan to get to the top. The best will push themselves
and not let anything get in their way.
I've watched some of today's best and know their motivation and work ethic. It's nearly the same wherever you go and has
always been that way. However, maybe a couple of examples from my own college years will help in explaining self-motivation
and what it takes.
I knew a serious wrestler in college who lived in the dorms. He kept a weight set in his room and would lift whenever he
got tired during his studying. He entered every off-season tournament he could find, had a regular off-season practice schedule,
and drove himself to, not only become a wrestling champion, but also a 4.0 student and eventually a medical doctor. He was
motivated to win and focused to succeed, regardless of his immediate or long term goal.
Another friend of mine was a two time NCAA Champion at my weight. He had a serious work ethic and was always practicing
someplace. After he won a close championship match one-year I asked him what gave him that extra boost to win. His answer
was something I will always remember. He said that the guy he had just beaten knew all the same moves and was just as strong.
What won it for him was that his motivation and will to win was stronger than his opponents. I had a chance (and a personal
pleasure) to speak with this same wrestler again many years later when he and I were officiating a freestyle match together
during a national championship. Not only did he still feel the same but both he and I could see the same motivation in the
winner of our match. A true champion is so strongly motivated that "they simply don't lose, they just get beat sometimes."
I remember my own off-season workouts during my college years. I would be in the wrestling room every day around 3:30 p.m.
looking for someone to work out with. A couple of times each week I had a regular partner for the workout, but not every day.
Although I was 130 lbs., sometimes I had to pull in football players who were taking wrestling as a class just to get a workout.
I even had an old librarian who I taught how to wrestle just to have someone to work with. Weight training two to three times
a week was also a must. Once I could get around, I was able to go to area club practices, and when summer came I had a local
club around home to work out with. My practice off-season lasted right through summer until school started. What I'm saying
is that self-motivation to do better is the primary driver for success. Without forcing yourself to do the extra work it will
be difficult to reach the final goal of a champion. No one else can push you that hard, not your coaches and not your friends
or team members, only yourself. This motivation must start during high school and must be strong enough to keep you focused
right on through your college years. The path is narrow but the goal is there for the taking.
Kids And Weight Lifting Don't Always Mix, Says Texas A&M
COLLEGE STATION - To bench press
or not to bench press, that is the question. In a few weeks, thousands of junior high and
high school athletes will begin reporting for football drills, and the vast majority of them will engage in a comprehensive
weight lifting program. But will pumping iron really help them on the field? For some yes;
for others, it will be of limited value and a waste of time and could actually be detrimental, believes a Texas A&M University
health and kinesiology professor who specializes in child fitness. William Barnes says
age is the key factor. Generally, kids in the 16-to 18-year-old range will find that a serious weight training program can
produce tangible benefits. But for younger kids, it may be less effective or could even
produce damaging results, Barnes believes. Instead, a vigorous exercise program might be better, he says.
The bottom line: For youths in or near the puberty years, their bodies are just not ready for squats, lifts and clean and
jerks. "There are two problems to consider," Barnes says.
"First, is the stress of weight lifting too much on a kid's skeletal system? These are kids who are still growing and developing
and maturing, and very often, lifting weights can be of little value or maybe even be harmful.
"Secondly, can children respond to an activity that is best suited for adults? Young boys, for example, face testosterone
limits that can prevent adding muscle mass. Their hormonal activity is not mature yet.
"The simple answer is that in physical terms, there is a significant difference between a 14-year-old and an 18-year-old."
Weight lifting can often be gender unfriendly. Barnes says girls usually don't experience
muscle enlargement the same as males. "Girls can sometimes become leaner lifting weights,
but as far as adding muscle like boys, it is much more difficult for them to achieve," Barnes says.
Barnes says that for boys and girls ages 13-14, the rates of growth and development are different. Some mature much later
and some experience delayed growth spurts, and for those reasons, weight training could be of marginal value.
But for senior citizens, the opposite is true. The Texas A&M professor says studies have shown elderly people usually
benefit from some type of weight lifting program if it's done on a moderate basis. "For
older people, we've come 180 degrees in our thinking," he adds. "It used to be discouraged for senior citizens, but now we
know that a moderate weight training program can be beneficial for them. The key word here is moderate. We've learned the
benefits far outweigh the risks. They respond to weight lifting just as well as much younger people."
If Barnes had a 14-year-old son, would he encourage him to participate in a high intensity weight lifting program?
"I could not recommend it," he responds. "Sometimes, junior high coaches try to emulate
the Dallas Cowboys and they want their young players to lift weights two hours a day. At that age, a youngster is still in
adolescence. He or she is not an adult, and that's the big difference. "There are better
ways to work out and develop strength. I'd save the weight training for a later date. For kids, I prefer the traditional calisthenics
and overall workout program. Weight lifting is not risk-free and the child is still not a mature adult. There are just too
many question marks at that age." |
Contact: Keith Randall at (409) 845-4644 or William Barnes at
(409) 845-4002. 07/15/99
| AggieDaily Office of University Relations Texas A&M University (979) 845-4641

by Dr. Bill Welker
... on Tips for the Wrestling Parent
Wrestling parents must make a total commitment! In my opinion, no other athletic contest asks as much from its parents
as wrestling. Why do I feel this way? Well, in the mat sport, it is imperative that mom and dad learn the unique roles played
by their son (the wrestler), the coach , and the official. Below are some helpful hints for dealing with these three individuals.
The Wrestler Of utmost importance is making sure that your son eats the proper foods throughout the season. Moreover,
do not place undue pressure on your boy during competition. Individual sports (especially wrestling) have a way of doing that
themselves; you needn't add to it. Finally, and here is the tough one, teach your son to accept the consequences of his actions,
allowing him no false crutches to stand on.
The Coach Parental trust is the cornerstone in reference to the coach. Keep in mind that the coach is responsible
for doing what he thinks best for the team and your son. If you are upset with a decision made by the coach, ask him about
it. You'll probably find out that he has legitimate reasons for his action. But most importantly, support your coach; he deserves
all the help you can give him.
The Official As wrestling parents, try to keep in prospective the fact that the referee is faced with over 100
judgment calls per dual meet, and certainly many times that amount during tournament competition. Thus, you can not expect
the official to be right on the money with every single call. So, acquire a satisfaction in knowing that he cares deeply about
the safety of your boy, attempts to be as consistent as possible, and truly concerns himself with doing a fair and unbiased
To be totally honest, wrestling parents have quite a burden to bear. However, by following the above suggestions, the wrestling
experience can be just as rewarding to them as it is for their son.

Welcome to our December 2002 Matrix Newsletter.
In this issue we have some excellent articles that deal with issues that are arising in youth wrestling today. Two
are on youth weightlifting, We will try to have an article on this subject each month. We also have an article on Wrestling
Parents, and an article on helping you and your wrestler get their homework done. Enjoy!

Tired of Spinning your head around trying to get your wrestler to do their homework, Here is a few tips that may
help us all.
Ten Homework Tips Research shows that when parents become involved in their children's schoolwork, the children do better
in school. One way you can get involved is by helping your child with homework. It will benefit both your child's school work
and self-esteem.
One important aspect of helping your child with homework is to find out if the
homework is appropriate. If your child is reading or doing mathematics below grade level, the homework should reflect this
Here are ten tips to help with homework:
- Keep in touch with the teacher or teachers to be fully aware of the quantity
and the quality of the homework turned in.
- Set a schedule, including both a beginning and an ending time. Most kids need
some time to unwind after school before they tackle their homework. Doing it too close to bedtime may make it difficult due
to fatigue. Fridays are usually the best day for homework that must be completed over the weekend. Assignments are still fresh
in mind and last minute panic rushes are avoided.
- Encourage your child to divide the homework assignment into "What I can do myself"
and "What I need help with." You should help only with that part of the homework your child cannot do independently, such
as using flashcards, practicing spelling tests, and clarifying assignments. This builds responsibility and independence in
your child.
- Use "Grandma's Rule." Remember that Grandma is reputed to have said that there
is no dessert until you are finished with your spinach. Hold off on watching TV and other fun activities until homework is
- Provide a home study center for your child with adequate light and few distractions.
If your child concentrates better with "white noise" (music), provide that help. Also, a dictionary, paper, pens, etc., should
be readily available.
- Use direct praise for doing the homework and even more for accomplishment. "You've
spelled 18 out of 20 words correctly--that's the best you've done this semester!"
- Be available when your child is doing homework, so that you can answer a question
if there is confusion. If possible, it is better for you to be in another room, so you are easily accessible and yet not a
- Look over the homework when it is completed. Do not correct it unless you have
checked with the teacher. Seeing the pattern of errors is often helpful to a teacher.
- Study groups are often a good strategy. Your child may benefit from studying
with one or two classmates. However, make sure they are using the time to study.
- Allow bathroom, drink, and/or snack breaks, but insist on completion of tasks.
A Reprint from the Parent Journal, Autumn 1994

Dr. Bill Welker is well known to West Virginia Wrestling fans. Dr. Welker is a former Pennsylvania State Champion. A nationally
recognized wrestling sportswriter and official, Bill Welker was selected as the "2002 National Wrestling Official of the Year"
by Wrestling USA Magazine. Dr. Welker is presently the Wrestling Rules Interpreter and Clinician for the West Virginia Secondary
Schools Activities Commission.
by Dr. Bill Welker
THE WRESTLING PARENTParents in wrestling are courageous -- it's true, They feel all the pain that their child
must go through, At home, when he diets, they wish it could stop, Yet know he must do it to stay at the top.
for losing they will not endure, "Don't blame the ref, son, because of the score, The coach, he will show you the best
way to move, Keep working in practice if you want to improve."
At dual meets, you'll see them breathing a prayer, As
their boy must compete with no one else there, Whatever the outcome - mom cheers with deep pride, While dad -- you will
notice - stands right by his side.
They'll drive to a tournament many miles away, To witness a child who's prepared
for this day, Their boy, he has trained, with all of his might, Having dreams of becoming a champion tonight.
should he fall short, at his corner you'll find, A mother and father -- supportive and kind, They teach that through
wrestling he'll learn about life, Yes, living is filled with both triumph and strife.
Now if you are searching for
people who care, Just look by a mat, they'll always be there, Such love for a sport is truly inherent, That's why
we salute The Wrestling Parent.

This is the thirtysecond article in a series written for Princeton Online.
Weight Lifting, Weight Training and Supplements
By Mark B. Levin, M.D. and Louis J. Tesoro, M.D.
The student athletes competitive environment often fosters the desire to increase muscle mass and strength
in the hope of improving athletic performance. We are often queried regarding the advisability of weight lifting (lifting
maximal weight to build strength and mass) and whether supplements, such as andro, DHEA, amino acids or minerals will help.
For the reasons outlined in the pages that follow, rather than recommending weight lifting, we counsel families that supervised
weight training, also termed strength training (performing multiple repetitions with small amounts of free-weights or low
resistance on a universal gym), is more appropriate for a growing youngster. Until growth is finished (usually 18 years old
in males and 16 years old in females), weight lifting should be avoided as the risk of musculo-skeletal injury (sprains, strains,
torn muscles and fractures) is too great.
The Committee on Sports Medicine and Fitness
of the American Academy of Pediatrics in June, 2001, having reviewed the scientific literature and citing 21 scholarly scientific
references, made the following points regarding theoretical benefits of strength
strength training can increase strength in adolescents and preadolescents
gains are lost after 6 weeks if resistance training
is discontinued
preadolescents and females will not achieve an increase
in muscle mass (they are not producing necessary amounts of androgens and testosterone)
scientific studies have failed to confirm that improved
strength enhances running speed, jumping ability or overall sports performance.
Evidence fails to show that strength training reduces
the frequency of injuries.
Children and adolescents anticipating participation
in strength training must follow these guidelines:
obtain a pre-participation physical examination to
rule out medical conditions for which strength training could cause complications.
A strength training program must include warm up and
cool down components.
Start with low or minimal weights or resistance forces.
When 8-15 repetitions are easily performed, small increments in weight or resistance are acceptable (1-5 pounds at a time)
Exercises should include all muscle groups and be
performed through the full range of motion at each joint.
Workouts must be at least 20-30 minutes long and be
done 2-4 times per week to be effective; less than twice per week confers no benefit and more than 4 workouts per week does
not increase strength while also depriving muscles of recovery time.
If a childs goal is improved sports performance, practicing
and perfecting skills is more beneficial than strength training; if the goal is long term health, aerobic training (running,
swimming, biking, etc.), must be added to the regimen.
Any sign of illness or injury from strength training
must be evaluated before the program is continued.
Student athletes must also be helped to understand
that, as in any aspect of life, short-term gain must be balanced against long-term consequences. In light of this, be forewarned
that that there have been few scientific studies published regarding andro (androstenedione), DHEA (dihydroepiandrosterone),
creatine, or high doses of amino acids, chromium, calcium or iron. NO studies have been performed in subjects under 18 years
of age as they relate to sports issues. However, according to an authoritative article written by Wendi Johnson, M.D. and
published in Contemporary Pediatrics, July, 2001, we do know some of the risks from case reports and physiologic studies.
ANDRO and DHEA: These are naturally occurring
hormones produced by the adrenal glands and are precursors of testosterone. They have not been well studied in athletes. They
have been found to increase testosterone and estradiol (an estrogen) after low dose supplementation. They have the potential
to cause increased hair growth in females, breast development in males, premature development of puberty and premature cessation
of growth. They are likely to cause a positive urine drug test. One study in adults found Andro coupled with resistance training
increased strength and muscle mass no better than placebo. The same authors (King, et al, JAMA, 6/2/99) found that Andro significantly
reduced high density lipoprotein (HDL), the good cholesterol that is protective at high levels.
CREATINE: This compound is made in our liver,
pancreas and kidneys and is deposited in muscle, heart, brain, testes and the retina. It is found in foods, particularly in
meat and fish. It participates in the metabolic production of cellular energy. There is a maximum amount of creatine that
muscles can accommodate. So, extra creatine is not retained in the body. Exercise and carbohydrate ingestion appear to enhance
creatine uptake from foods. Caffeine reduces its uptake. It causes an increase in muscle fluid retention, giving the false
impression of increase in dry muscle mass. Although creatine supplementation enhances repetitive efforts (intensity and duration
of weight training workouts), it does not improve endurance or one-time all-out efforts. Side effects include headache, water
retention, abdominal pain and diarrhea. Users have a higher incidence of muscle strain and are more likely to suffer dehydration
or heat illness due to fluid shifts in the body. One case of kidney failure has been reported.
AMINO ACIDS: Increasing protein substrate intake
over the maximum 1.8 mg/kg/day required by resistance trained athletes offers no increased benefit in muscle mass or strength.
Increased calorie intake will allow the body to make enough protein to satisfy the needs of athletes without other supplements.
Studies comparing carbohydrate ingestion with amino acid and mineral supplementation show no difference in increased lean
muscle mass. Exercise and calories, not excess amino acids, are the keys to muscle building. Too much protein risks acidifying
the blood excessively. A specific amino acid, glutamine, has been implicated in
the decreased immune function of overtrained athletes. Supplementation with leucine
has not translated into improved performance or increased muscle mass. Although HMB
(beta-hydroxy-methylbutyrate) , a metabolite of leucine, can increase lean mass when taken in large doses and coupled
with resistance training in adults, there are no studies in youths. Supplementary Carnitine,
found naturally in meat and dairy products, has not been found to have any effect on performance in trained marathon runners.
CHROMIUM: This mineral is released from body
stores in response to a rise in blood insulin. It is found in brewers yeast, nuts, asparagus, prunes and mushrooms. Supplementation
does not decrease body fat, nor increase lean body mass or strength. One case of acute renal failure has been reported after
high dose supplementation.
CALCIUM: Contrary to other minerals, calcium
supplementation is important, particularly for female athletes, who are at increased risk of decreased bone calcium due to
the hormonal response to irregular menses. Caffeine, cigarettes smoking and alcohol consumption, and large amounts of meat
or soda (because of their high phosphorous content) promote calcium losses. Adolescent girls need 1200 to 1500 mg per day.
The appended list displays the calcium content of various foods.
IRON: Like calcium, assuring iron sufficiency
is important. Athletes have increased iron losses through perspiration, stool and urine. Females also require extra iron intake
to replace menstrual losses. See the appended list of foods high in iron. Adolescent girls need 15 to 18 mg per day. Males
require 12 mg per day through adolescence and 10 mg per day in adulthood.
The market for enhancers and supplements in enormous.
The government does NOT regulate these products with the exception that a manufacturer my claim anything for a substance,
even without scientific study, except that it treats, cures, mitigates, diagnoses or prevents a disease. There are no standards for purity, quality or quantity of active compounds and manufacturers need not publish
benefits or precautions. Only after a supplement has been proven to be unsafe can it be removed from the market.
We recommend that athletes get their nutrients
from healthy foods, that they increase their protein intake to 1.4 to 1.8 g/kg/day (the RDA is 0.8 g/kg/day) during strength
training, that they increase their calorie intake to 25-30 cal/kg/day (from the usual 20 cal/kg/day), that they get adequate
amounts of calcium and iron from foods (see appended list) and that they carbohydrate
load (eat rice, pasta, potatoes, etc.) for three days before an important athletic event. Adequate amounts of chromium are
found in brewers yeast, nuts, asparagus, prunes and mushrooms.
Coupled with practice and perfecting skills,
and a sound strength training program, our children can enjoy the emotional and health benefits of athletics without the attendant
risks imposed by ingesting unproven and potentially dangerous substances.
ŠAll rights reserved, The Pediatric Group, P.A.
Food |
Iron (mg) |
Calcium (mg) |
Almonds, 2 oz |
2.7 |
Apricots, 5 dried halves |
0.08 |
Baked beans, 1/2 cup |
3 |
Baked potato with skin, medium |
2.8 |
Beef, 4 oz |
9 |
Bread, 1 slice enriched |
1 |
Brewer's yeast, 1 oz |
5 |
Broccoli, 2 cups |
1 |
59 |
Brown Rice, 1 cup cooked |
1 |
Cheddar cheese, 1 oz |
0.2 |
204 |
CheeriosŽ, 1 cup |
4.5 |
Chicken breast, 4 oz |
1 |
Collards, 1 cup cooked |
252 |
Cottage cheese, 1/2 cup |
100 |
Cream of wheat, 1 cup |
9 |
Dark meat Turkey, 4 oz |
2 |
Dates, 10 dried |
1 |
Egg, 1 large |
1 |
Fortified Orange juice, 8 oz |
300 |
Ham, 3 oz |
1.2 |
Lima beans, 1/2 cup |
2.1 |
Milk, 1 cup skim |
0.1 |
302 |
Molasses, 1 tbsp blackstrap |
3.5 |
Mozzarella cheese, 1 oz part skim |
207 |
Muenster cheese, 1 oz |
203 |
Pasta, 1 cup cooked, enriched |
1 |
Peanut butter, 4 tbsp |
1.2 |
Peas, 2 cups |
1 |
Pork chop, 3 oz |
3.3 |
Pork, 4 oz |
1 |
Prune juice, 8 oz |
3 |
QuakerŽ instant oatmeal, 1 serving |
2 |
Raisin BranŽ cereal, 3/4 cup |
18 |
Raisins, 1/3 cup |
1 |
Refried beans, 1 cup |
4.5 |
Ricotta cheese, 1 oz |
167 |
Salmon, 3 oz |
1 |
167 |
Sardines, 8 medium |
2.5 |
354 |
Shrimp, 12 large |
2 |
100 |
Spinach, 2 cups cooked |
3 |
488 |
Tofu, 4 oz |
200 |
TotalŽ cereal, 1 cup |
18 |
Tuna, 4.5 oz |
1 |
Turnip greens, 1/2 cup cooked |
246 |
Wheat germ, 1/4 cup |
2 |
Yogurt, 8 oz plain |
415 |
Dr. Mark B. Levin
Dr. Levin has been a member of the staff at The Pediatric Group since 1977. Currently an attending Pediatrician at the
Medical Center at Princeton, he has been Chairman, Department of Pediatrics, Medical Center at Princeton, 1984 to 1986, 1989
to 1992, and past President, Medical and Dental Staff, Medical Center at Princeton, 1987 to 1988. Dr. Levin has served on
numerous Departmental and hospital committees. He has published original articles both while at Upstate Medical Center in
Syracuse and at The Pediatric Group. He has a wife and three children. Dr. Levin enjoys alpine skiing, jogging, hiking and
camping, travel, computers and racquetball.
Dr. Louis J. Tesoro
Dr. Tesoro has been a member of the staff at The Pediatric Group since 1988. Dr. Tesoro is Chairman, Department of Pediatrics,
Medical Center at Princeton, 1996 to present and Attending Pediatrician, Medical Center at Princeton, 1988 to present. He
has served on several Departmental and hospital committees, lectured at the Universiy of Pennsylvania and has published original
articles both while at The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia and at The Pediatric Group.
Pediatric Group
ŠAll rights reserved, The Pediatric Group, P.A. 2001
Strength Training and
the Young Athlete
By Avery D. Faigenbaum, Ed.D., CSCS
The development of muscular strength in children has received increasing public and medical attention in recent years.
Despite the previously held belief that strength training was unsafe and ineffective for children, major health organizations
such as the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) , the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and the National Strength and Conditioning Association(NSCA) now support children's participation in appropriately designed and competently supervised strength training programs. In
addition to increasing the muscular strength of young weight trainers, regular participation in a strength training program
may improve a child's muscular> endurance, body composition and sports performance. Further, participation in a preseason
conditioning program that includes strength training may reduce the incidence of overuse injuries in youth sports.
It is important to remember that strength training is an activity which is distinct from the competitive sports of weight
lifting and powerlifting. The term strength training refers to a method of conditioning which is designed to increase an individual's
ability to exert or resist force. Weight lifting and powerlifting, on the other hand, are sports in which individual's often
train at high intensities and attempt to lift maximal amounts of weight in competition. The goal of youth strength training
is not to see which child is the strongest, but rather to improve the musculoskeletal strength of all children while exposing
them to a variety of safe and effective training methods that are fun.
The most common concern associated with youth strength training is the belief that this type of exercise will cause damage
the growth plates of children. Although a few case study reports have indeed noted growth plate fractures in children who
lifted weights, most of these injuries occurred as a result of improper training, excessive loading or lack of qualified adult
supervision. Typically children were injured while they attempted to lift maximal amount of weight overhead in an unsupervised
environment. Growth plate injuries have not occurred in any prospective youth strength training study that followed established
training guidelines. In fact, recent findings suggest that strength training during childhood and adolescence may actually
make bones stronger. At this time there is no scientific evidence to suggest that youth strength training is riskier than
any other sport or activity in which children routinely participate.
When designing strength training programs for children it is important to remember that children are not miniature adults.
Children are anatomically, physiologically, and psychologically immature, and this uniqueness must be considered when developing
youth strength training programs. Adult strength training guidelines and training philosophies should not be imposed on children.
Although all participants should understand the risks and benefits of strength training, a young child should not be expected
to comprehend the intricacies of muscle action. Focus on lifetime fitness and teach kids how to exercise properly. Above all,
provide a stimulating program that develops in children amore positive attitude towards strength training and a healthy lifestyle.
Generally speaking, if 7 and 8 year old children are ready for participation in organized sports or activities (e.g. little
league baseball or gymnastics), then they are ready for some type of strength training.
In terms of equipment and supplies, body weight exercises such as push-ups and sit-ups can work for beginners, but more
advanced trainees would probably enjoy the challenge of weight machines or free weights(i.e. barbells and dumbbells). Although
pads and boards can be used to modify most types of adult strength training equipment, child-size training equipment is available
and has proven to be safe and effective for children. The focus of each training session should be on proper form and technique,
and if free-weights are used spotting procedures should be followed. Above all else, all youth strength training programs
must be supervised at all times by experienced adults. A summary of youth strength training guidelines from the NSCA are presented
below. A complete copy of the NSCA Youth Strength Training Position Statement Paper and Literature Review can be purchased
from the NSCA by calling 719-632-6722.
Youth Strength Training Guidelines:
- An instructor to child ratio of at least 1 to 10 is recommended to provide adequate supervision and instruction. When
children are learning exercises for the first time, closer supervision may be required.
- Children learn best by doing. When teaching a new exercise to a child, have the child perform the exercise under your
watchful eye.
- Ensure that the training environment is free of hazards. Be aware of the exploratory nature of children and remove or
disassemble any broken equipment from the exercise room before classes start.
- The exercise room should be well lit and adequately ventilated. Since children are more prone to heat illness than adults,
encouraged them to drink water even if they are not thirsty.
- Perform calisthenics and stretches before and after every strength training class
- Begin with 1 set of 10 to 15 repetitions on 6 to 8 exercises that focus on the major muscle groups of the upper and lower
body. Start with a relatively light weight and high reps and increase the load and decrease the reps as strength improves.
Beginning with relatively light loads will allow for appropriate adjustments to be made.
- Maximal lifting is not recommended for general conditioning purposes.
- Two to three training sessions per week on nonconsecutive days is sufficient.
- Increase the weight gradually as strength improves. Generally a two to five pound increase in weight is consistent with
a 5% to 10% increase in training intensity.
- Progression can also be achieved by increasing the number of sets ( up to 3) or number of exercises.
- Multijoint exercises such as squats may be introduced into the program based on individual needs and competencies
- Treat children with respect and speak with them in a language they understand. Remember that children should feel comfortable
with the program and should look forward to the next workout.
- Strength training should be one part of a total fitness program. Keep the fun in fitness and promote lifetime health.
Avery D. Faigenbaum, EdD, CSCS is an Assistant Professor of Exercise Physiology in the Department of Human Performance
and Fitness at the University of Massachusetts-Boston. His email address is | |